Date changed of the Hong Kong Open Source Conference 2015 - 香港開源年會2015 舉行日期更改
Written by HKCOTA on 2014-12-22 15:17.
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香港開源年會 2015 由原定5月舉行,已更改為 6 月 26-27 日 (五、六) 並將於香港科學園 (沙田) 舉行,除了今年那四間房外,明年更加入高錕會議中心 (金蛋) ,門外更有更多空間才展覽,另設有workshop 和 dev room 在 Core 1。
HKOSC is now postponed to 26th-27th June, 2015 and will be held at Hong Kong Science Park. HKOSC 2015 is a 2-day 6-track conference including keynotes, talks and workshops. And an additional dev room is also available. HKOSC 2015 will be hosted at Convention Crentre 1 & 2 in Hong Kong Science Park, including Charles K. Kao Auditorium, Conference Hall 1-2 & 4-7.