HKCOTA Booth at COSCUP 2014 - Call for sponsorship
Written by HKCOTA on 2014-06-25 17:25.
我們開始製作印刷品介紹 HKOSC、香港開放源碼及開放技術社群,計劃七月份會在台北開源人年會 COSCUP 2014 (去年超過 1,800 人出席) 的香港創意開放科技協會 (本會) 攤位派發。如有任何社群有意加入宣傳,可與我們聯系 (需要 share 印刷運輸攤位等成本),亦歡迎商業公司贊助廣告。 Email:
We are making printings to introduce HKOSC, open source and open technology communities in Hong Kong, and plan to distribute this printings at COSCUP 2014 in Taipei in mid of July (1,800 audiences last year) at HKCOTA (we) booth. For any interested communities or user groups, please contact with us (your group should share the cost of printing, transportation, booth, etc.), commercial sponsorship are welcome. Email: